We combine our knowledge of original antiques with the know-how of building new furniture to create a line of handmade replica antique furniture pieces that look as similar as possible to the originals.
One of the main differences between our furniture and store-made furniture is in our use of authentic materials and methods, as opposed to cheaper, mechanized methods. We use the same materials and manufacturing techniques (e.g., saw-cut veneers and French polish finishing) that were used hundreds of years ago, and that have stood the test of time. Not only does this ensure the quality and longevity of our furniture, but it also allows for any necessary future restorations, just like with original antiques made similarly.
We specialize in fine replica antique furniture, and we are more than happy and able to provide a replica of your favorite antique chair for daily use, in order for you to protect the original. We are also able to copy furniture pieces based on a picture or a template: you bring us your idea of the perfect chair, and we will make that dream a reality. Or, for instance, if you would like to have matching chairs for a dining table, or coordinated end tables for a living room, simply show us—or tell us—your idea, and we will work with you to bring it to life. This is a great opportunity to own an extraordinary, one-of-a-kind piece of furniture, or to make a hard-to-find or discontinued piece your own.
Advantages of our Replicas:
We are able to build almost any piece based on pictures in books, magazines, and the internet or based on original pieces or templates;
Unlimited quantity (e.g., 12 Biedermeier replica chairs for a long dining table);
We use only hardwood for our construction wood (oak and maple), and the same saw-cut veneer which you see on any pre-1880 piece;
The same finishing method (French polish) which you see on post-1800 pieces;
We build our pieces with the same construction plans and methods used by cabinetmakers at the time of the original pieces, methods which have stood the test of time;
Every piece is restorable, just like the original antique pieces;
In most cases, a well-built replica is much more affordable than an original piece.