On the following pages, you can find detailed descriptions of several of our cigar humidors. We can also custom-make any cigar humidor according to your personal tastes and style. Each humidor is a guaranteed one-of-a-kind, and can store between 8 and 300 cigars (Churchill size).
We use two special kinds of wood for the interior of the humidor (Spanish Cedar for the aroma, and Mahogany for the cigar trays), but we can use various types of wood for the exterior of the box, according to your tastes. We are able to include, for example, your initials, marquetry pictures (pictures made of veneer), and veneer patterns, or we can simply match them to your home and living space. The materials and methods we use (e.g. saw-cut veneer with 1- 2 mm thickness; French polished surface) allow for future restoration, ensuring a long lifetime.